Video Testimonial
Happy Clients
"Such short lives our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day.. It is amazing how much love and laughter they bring into our lives and even how much closer we become with each other because of them." John Grogan
Had a great session with Shawna! My animals loved her and they all had something to say. It was really cool to have a different insight and it all made perfect sense I’m looking forward to trying the new things and seeing how it goes. Her gift and compassion for helping animals and their people is amazing!
Last week, Shawna came to visit my cat, Obsidian, to facilitate a conversation between us about a difficult situation we are currently living with. All I can say is “Wow”. Following Shawna’s advice, my cat’s anxiety is greatly eased and our relationship has definitely improved. Thank you, Shawna! You’re the real deal and I highly recommend your work.
~ Peggy
It is hard for me to put into words how much I enjoyed and appreciated my conversation with Shawna, and by extension, my conversation with my dogs. Simply put, Shawna is amazing – amazing at what she does, and amazing as a person. She is a gifted medium, and is and absolute joy to work with. She is intuitive, caring, loving, and has a fun personality. Before contacting Shawna, I was very anxious because one of my dogs had been viciously attacked by another dog. After she facilitated a conversation between us, I was able to relax and provide my baby with what she needed to recover. Shawna understood both of my dogs so well, and was able to clearly speak for them, it was as if they had voices. The experience was both helpful and fun! I will be forever grateful to Shawna for allowing me the opportunity to talk with my babies, and I look forward to our next conversation.
Sincerely, Jill
Thank you Shawna for helping me with my horses and cats too! You were 100% correct regarding Cheyenne’s allergies and I do appreciate all your insight for my sweet Yellow Cat and his quirky ways. Shawna was able to see why my cat was misbehaving and she was right on concerning some recent events that triggered his behavior. I am one of her biggest fans. ~Patricia
Shawna is a gifted animal communicator. I had the pleasure of having Shawna over to my home to talk with my animals. She was able to confirm some of my suspicions and give me some advice on my eleven-year old lab to improve her digestive health. Shawna is passionate about animals and has a real intuitive gift. I would highly recommend her and will use her again in the future. She is great with people too.
Lisa S.
I cannot possibly tell you the extent to which you have changed my relationship to my dogs, and their relationship with me. I want to tell you something funny…. I actually almost cancelled my appointment because I thought, “she can’t be for real…reading dog’s minds? Come on!” I am not kidding. I thought your claims could not possibly be true. Fortunately, I listened to my angels/that inner voice, and we had our meeting yesterday. I have NEVER, been so impressed by something like this, and you are beyond amazing, in everything you did. I believe you could charge two or three times what you do, based on the wealth of your knowledge, your ability to easily connect with both dogs and people, your kind heart and obvious gift. So, things I have ALREADY seen and felt after less than one day: Cooper and Sam have been barking MUCH LESS. Night and day difference. They both loved our quick little training session today, and they were so quick to pick it up. I have been playing dog meditation music, and they are SO MUCH CALMER!! I have been picturing them in the colors you suggested, and I KNOW they feel that. I have felt a kind of love for them that I never thought possible. I did things for them before, looked out for their interests, fed, and walked them, loved them….thought I was a pretty good owner. This is different. It actually makes me cry a little bit thinking how grateful I am that you taught me how to be an owner on an entirely different level. I feel the love they have for me, and it almost bursts my heart. Truly. They are the most beautiful creatures, and an absolute gift from God. I wonder, who really “owns” a dog? They seem so relieved that you were able to speak their thoughts and tell me what was really going on. I am beyond happy for them. Thank you for your teaching, kindness, love for me and my family and my dogs, and for deciding to pursue this passion to help bring owners and dogs to a more beautiful and joyful level of understanding. You are so special!!!
My experience working with Shawna was amazing and I highly recommend her to any pet owner. She really helped me get to know my dog better and we’re bonded even more than before. Shawna has a gift. I was blown away by her skills and abilities. It was such an authentic experience. Thank you, Shawna!
“Shawna did an amazing reading with my 2 dogs, Mandy and Chloe, Mandy was with me, Chloe had recently passed. She gave me very specific information about them that she could not have known or guessed. She really helped Mandy who was going in for some surgery the following day and who is normally very nervous in strange places. The next day Mandy was totally relaxed at the vet’s even when I handed her over to them and had to leave. I really think it was Shawna’s communication with Mandy the day before that made her so comfortable. With Shawna’s reading I really felt my dogs’ energy come through, especially the one who had passed. It made me feel so good all day. I think Shawna’s wonderful, warm energy makes it easy for the animals to connect with her. She has a very special talent.”
Shawna has been invaluable in our lives! She is always right on with her readings and she delivers them with so much caring and love. She saved our cat’s life when he wouldn’t take the only medication that would cure his infection! She communicated with him and gave us detailed instructions on how to deliver the medication with a certain type of food we had in a drawer in our kitchen (that she didn’t know about], and it worked! We have had many more readings with Shawna, and she is always accurate and right there when we need her! I am so thankful!
~ Michelle
Shawna Fischer shared an irreplaceable gift with us through her intuitive communication with our recently passed JRT, Gorilla. Her sensitivity and compassion is so wonderful and everything she shared was so affirming. We know we will go on feeling his loss forever, but at least for today, for a little while, we felt united again and it was a reminder that he never really is too far if we just go to our hearts and let love reign(rain]
Lola Michelin, Director of Education at NWSAM.
Thank you so much for your time, and giving all the great messages from my fur children. It is nice to know that they are all happy to be here with me, and what they are needing. I can see myself doing this again sometime down the road.
~ Tammy
Shawna has always had great information from my pups and has been a source of comfort when I really needed it in the past. Thank you so much!!
~ Susie
Shawna Fischer has been my animal communicator for over 5 years! If my pets weren’t acting right, I’d call Shawna. When my Airedale Ollie, and my horse Dusty passed away, I called Shawna. Were they okay in the afterlife? What had been wrong with them? Could I have done something differently to change the outcome? Shawna communicated with them, and THAT gave me peace of mind. I wanted a new puppy, but I wanted the “right” puppy for my family.. I called Shawna. She looked at a bunch of puppy pictures and “read” each one. Because of Shawna, I have the perfect puppy. my pets are my life, their wellbeing is paramount. Shawna Fischer is the difference between me feeling guilty, confused, or worried about my pets and responding to their needs in a positive way. Shawna is my lifeline to understanding my beloved pets – present, passed and future.
About a year and a half ago I met Shawna Fischer, animal communicator. I had recently decided I wanted a cat and so not more than a week later a poor little starved street cat came to the steps outside our clinic here in Grants Pass asking for help. She was so traumatized and in such bad shape we didn’t think she would make it. We nursed her back to health and she became a part of our little family.
In speaking with Shawna, she made it clear, without even needing to meet Moxa (as we named her), that she had come to us to prepare us for having a child. My first thought was that, I didn’t even plan on having a child but I listened politely. She went on to say my wife and I would become pregnant in about a year and Moxa would be a big part of helping us not only be ready for our new baby, but also help us with him when he arrived.
I thanked her and went on my way not believing nor disbelieving anything she had to say. Over the next few months Moxa began acting EXTREMELY needy, cutting in our path any possible chance she had. She tripped us if we weren’t watching and always stood right under our feet. In truth I lost my cool several times and had to do some real inner work to adjust to such a needy animal. She even began a hissing campaign every time we didn’t pay attention to her or do exactly as she wished.
Well, at about the one year mark after Shawna gave me the read, my wife Miranda and I became pregnant! Again something she told me would happen. Over the next nine months Moxa upped her hissing and really pushed us hard taking to keeping us up much of the night with complaints.. I loved this little cat, but she was such a challenge!
The day came and our little one arrived! Well, this is where I tied all that she told me together. After such a long time of caring for this needy little cat…so very persnickety, hissing and crying all the time, I found that she had come to us just for this purpose! To prepare us for such a huge life change. All the hissing, crying and running in our way was directed by a higher power to get us in the mode of parenting. To slow us down and prepare us for the almost dead stop of having a child in our arms day after day. How fortunate we were as our little one didn’t feel like much of a shift at all after having Moxa in our life for so long! Shawna was spot on!
Now came the test…Moxa didn’t take well to the new little one who was requiring so much of our time and making so much shrill sound! She took to walking around the house crying and complaining to us all day. Well, she did a lot of hiding too. One day she was waking past me, as I was holding our fussing son. Moxa was crying and complaining as she usually did, but this time I tested out what Shawna had told me. I looked down and very directly said to her… “What I need form you is help with our baby…not complaints.” She paused looking puzzled for a moment and then miraculously she stopped crying and laid right down about five feet from us.
She began purring immediately sending out really calming energy. I felt her loving heart and good energy beam right over to our son! She kept sending him loving vibes for about twenty minutes! I was astonished. She heard me, understood what I was asking and then did just what I asked. Again, Shawna was right on the money.
In truth I really don’t trust most Psychics as I have been misled more than once. But Shawna is different. She was right on with all she told me and it played out just as she said. Moxa did prepare us for having a child, and to my amazement she did help out with the baby after he was born, even though it was hard for her, she did her part just as Shawna said she would.
Shawna is a good natured woman with a real gift. We truly treasure having her available to our community of Grants Pass. We will continue consulting Shawna for all our animal communication needs…she is the real deal.
In gratitude,
Jason Kryzak
Radiant Family, LLC
Natural Health Clinic
Grants Pass, OR
My animal communication reading with Shawna Fischer not only changed my horse’s life but mine too! Shawna is accurate, compassionate, and very talented at what she does. I highly recommend Shawna and encourage you to book your appointment now – don’t wait to change your life for the better. Thank you Shawna!!
Shawna is such an amazing person and always spot on with her readings of my cats. She’s helped us get through quite a few behavioral issues and she’s helped us decide if the younger two of our 5, should stay with us. 5 cats is a lot, but they are surely all meant to be with us. Some may think it’s crazy that someone can receive messages from animals, but when you experience it for yourself, you’ll want to have Shawna talk with your pets all the time because it’s so much fun! Thank you for all you do, Shawna!
~ Nicole