Are you looking for more connection with your pet?
Are you wanting to connect with your pet that has crossed over?
Are you wanting to know why your pet is doing a certain behavior?
Are you wanting to know how your pet is feeling?
Are you wanting to know what your pet here wants you to know?
Are you wanting to know what your pet in spirit wants you to know?
If you answered yes to any of these questions please join me on 4-2-25 at 5pm PST for “Your Pet Connection” where I will be tuning in to messages from your pet family here and in spirit. This will be done via Zoom and limited to 8 participants, each person that tunes in will get a message from their pet that is here or in spirit. The cost is $22, click below to sign up, the Zoom link will be sent out the morning of 4-2-25. Looking forward to connecting with you and your pets.
Here is what one of my recent attendee’s shared about her experience in attending:
I really enjoyed being a part of the “Pet Connection” group with Shawna! It was so interesting and fun to hear what my fur baby had to share with me and tips on how we can enrich her life. Shawna was spot on about multiple things! I also found it interesting to listen to what other animals from the group had to share…they are our teachers and give great advice and reminders. If you’re curious about what your pets have to share with you, I recommend joining! Thank you, Shawna, for sharing your gifts with us.
-Alina N.

Basics of Animal Communication Class
Hello, my name is Shawna Marie Fischer and I’m so happy to connect with you here, to me there is no greater gift than to be a conduit to deliver messages and insights to you from the animals in your life. I would love to help you learn how to communicate with animals as so many amazing insights come from communicating with animals. I love sharing and teaching about animal communication. To me it is such a joy to see people unlock their ability to communicate with animals. I would love for you to be a part of my upcoming animal communication class. I’m all about sharing the love and wisdom that comes from communicating with animals and I want to help you discover your own animal whispering superpowers.
Have you ever wondered what your pet is thinking and wants to tell you? In this class you will learn how to send and receive messages with practice exercises with animals you don’t know and experience verifiable proof that you in fact can communicate with animals. Understand your pet’s thoughts and discover what they need, want, feel, and really think. Unlock your ability to communicate with animals and hone these skills and rekindle your natural ability to communicate with animals. Please bring a picture or two of your animals for practice exercises. The purpose of this class is to enlighten you, give you tools to deepen your connection with your animals and to deepen and expand the relationship with the pets in your life.
This introductory class is designed for those eager to open the doors to a deeper understanding of animals through discovering the foundations of animal communication.. This class is for pet lovers, pet parents, anyone eager to deepen their connection with animals and anyone curious about the inner workings of your pet’s thoughts and mind.
Have you ever wondered what’s going on in your pet’s mind and thoughts?
Ever wondered what secret conversations your pets are having with you?
Ever felt like your pet is sending you telepathic messages?
Have you ever wished you could peek into your pet’s mind and understand what is going on?
Are you ready to take a deeper dive into your pet’s inner thoughts?
Ever wondered why cat’s tail puffs up or why your dog tilts its head in a certain way?
Ever wondered why your dog barks at a certain spot or why your cat has specific meows for different occasions?
Ever wondered what your pet is trying to tell you with those chirps, neighs, barks, and meows?
Ever wondered what your pets are silently sharing with you?
Five-week class 1.5 hours each week on Tuesday nights at 5 pm PST starts April 8, 2025
Classes will be via Zoom
$188 for new students, returning students $88
In this class some of the basics of animal communication, how it works will be addressed and learned
Tuning into the energy field that surrounds your animal
Tuning into the messages your animals whisper to you
Learn how to pick up on medical infrequencies in your animal
We will do a meditation with your animal to keep continued open communication with your animal
Weekly homework and going over what was picked up on from weekly homework
Weekly exercises, class handouts will also be provided, time for q and a in each class
Through guided meditations and exercises that lay the foundation for a deeper connection with the animals in your life
Practice intuitive communication with animals and share your experiences
Private Facebook group for members of the class, to share your wins and ask questions
No prior experience necessary. Don’t worry if you can’t make it to the class as you will have access to each class recording within 24 hours. The Zoom information will be sent via email the day prior to the first class
Are you ready to amplify your intuitive connection with the pet’s in your life?
Are you ready make communicating with animals a part of you and your pet’s daily life?
This is not your average lecture style class it is interactive and full of practicing animal communication, with fun exercises connecting you to deepen your animal communication skills.
Discover the joy of being present with animals and how it enhances your ability to communicate with them on a deeper level with newfound confidence in your ability to communicate with animals. Discover how being present with your pet enhances your connection and opens the doors to a whole new level of understanding.
Dive into the heart of communication by understanding the impact of your energy and presence on the pets in your life.
Expand your toolkit, strengthen your bond with your pets. Your pets are ready to share their secrets are you ready to listen?
Experience the joy of connecting with your pets on a deeper heart centered level
Explore techniques that allow you to tune into the emotions of animals. Through guided activities, learn the art of listening with your heart
Explore the world of animal communication where your pet is sending you telepathic communication and practice tuning in to the messages your pet is sending your way
Explore the profound world of non-verbal communication. into the art of silent dialogue, where emotions, images, and sensations become the language of the heart. Practice intuitive exercises to understand the unspoken messages your pets convey.
Don’t miss this opportunity to bridge the communication gap between you and the pet’s in your life. Unleash the power of understanding connection and embrace the magic of heartfelt communication with the animals in your life.
Get ready to stretch your psychic muscles and take your pet communication skills to the next level.
Journey into the hearts and minds of the pets in your life. Discover the whispers from their hearts and become the pet whisperer you were always meant to be.
Elevate your intuitive skills to new heights, for more connection to deepen the understanding of your pet’s inner world.
I can’t wait to embark on this whimsical journey with you. Are you ready to tap into the magical world of animal communication? Sign up now and let the fun venture of animal communication come into your world. Let’s dive into the awesome world of animal communication together, trust me it’s a blast!